Zimdicator 0.2 "Notify, notify me"

notify-osd support for displaying new mail summaries.

i18n support

Milestone information

Code name:
Notify, notify me
Mitja Pagon
Release registered:
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3 Mitja Pagon
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
4 Fix Released

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download icon zimdicator-0.2.tar.gz (md5) Source only tarball for 0.2 release 478
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Total downloads: 478

Release notes 

Zimdicator 0.2, codename "Notify, notify me"

Zimbra users rejoice, a new version of Zimdicator is upon us, and this time it even works, most of the time. Since the initial release we've added notification support and resolved some critical issues that caused frequent crashes, which means Zimidcator is now a bit better and actually usable .

Internationalization support also found it's way into this release, which means that Zimdicator is now fully translatable. New translations can easily be added at https://translations.launchpad.net/zimdicator. Contributions are welcome, so don't hesitate to translate Zimdicator to your language.


View the full changelog

 * Notify-osd support
 * i18n support
 * option to only check inbox folder
 * Bug fixes and improvements

0 blueprints and 4 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
582832 #582832 Zimdicator crashes with ValueError: Invalid \escape on json.dump 2 Critical Mitja Pagon  10 Fix Released
583069 #583069 zimdicator.py : ValueError: Expecting , delimiter: line 1 column 25299 (char 25299) 2 Critical Mitja Pagon  10 Fix Released
584853 #584853 zimdicator.py : glib.GError: Reached stack-limit of 50 2 Critical Mitja Pagon  10 Fix Released
583016 #583016 zimdicator-config.py : TypeError: Indicate.Server.set_desktop_file() argument 1 must be string, not None 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
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