User information
- Languages:
- English
- OpenPGP keys:
- 3814A64EBF23B32D7432DB481688B8BF44E029C0
- Time zone:
- Europe/London (UTC+0000)
- Karma:
- 0 Karma help
All assigned blueprints Assigned blueprints
Server Maverick Kolab
for Ubuntu
Supporting Kolab groupware server in Maverick
This track would be let by the representative from Kolabsys (Paul Adams or Georg Greve)
- Kolab is 100% Free Software and Kolab Systems is keen to work with the Ubuntu Server teams in order to improve the integration of Kolab into Ubuntu Server
- Currently "groupware" i...
Latest memberships
Paul J. Adams is not an active member of any Launchpad teams.