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To write Unit Tests for cloudpulse in the testr framework which is followed by the openstack foundation
Operator tests a. Check all services are running and listening on the ports b. Check the cluster status of infra components rabbit and percona (mysql ‘wsrep’ and rabbitmqctl cluster_status) c. If Openstack is in HA mode, test the HAProxy and each of the services behind the HAProxy (run 'a' and 'b’) d. If pacemaker ...
Cloudpulse shall support application or operator specific extensions. Extensions are pluggable python modules that can be loaded at runtime. 1. Start tests POST /cpulse_ext/ext-name/test-type/<mode>/<service>/misc ext-name - Name of the extension test-type - api, oper and upgrade mode - supported extension test-mo...
Changes to cloudpulse run for python-cloudpulseclient
Changes to cloudpulse run to support running extension tests usage: cloudpulse run --name <name> —extension <name> —test-args= < list of key, value> —args-file=<test-input-file>   --name <name>    Name of the healthcheck to create. Optional arguments:   —-extension <name>  Name of the health check extension   —-...
cloudpulse list command line for python-cloudpulseclient
Cloudpulse list command line option cloudpulse list [ —all ] [core] api - keystone_endpoint, nova_endpoint, neutron_endpoint functional [extensions] security - config_check, ssh_check, db_check nagios - cpu_check, em_check, disk_check Default cloudpulse list will report tests that are valid and can be executed ...

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