I am a passionate web developer. I work with multiple tools and languages on web application.

This blog is about web development. I will mostly talk about the Kohana framework as it is my main working tool, but I will also write some articles about Flask. Since I am also a passionate of free software (like in free beer!), it should also host some articles on the matter.

I study Computer Science at Université de Montréal. For now, I work at Hète.ca and on my workgroup Pittoresque. I do web development in both places. You might want to sneak a peek at my curiculum vitae (beware, it’s in french).

If you would like to reach me, I have an email address which can be accessed in the left column. If you have to send sensitive information, you may use GnuPG along with my public key which id is B1AD6EA5.

For those who care, my username is a slight modification of the goddess of hunt, Artemis.

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English (Canada), French
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America/Toronto (UTC-0400)
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Guillaume Poirier-Morency is not an active member of any Launchpad teams.