Axl understands objects, functions, components, services and relational technologies. He likes to learn new things. He always does his best to produce working, elegant, extensible and resilient software. He has made some mistakes. He knows that methodologies and modeling techniques is no silver bullet that magically remedies all ills in the technology space. Thankfully, he has managed to steer clear of Visual Basic and COBOL. Axl's favorite operating systems are Ubuntu, Solaris and Windows. He enjoys working with Java, C# and C++. He loves bash and Windows Power Shell. MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server are his favorite relational database technologies. He thinks that Ruby is a magnificent scripting environment. He is of the opinion that IBM technologies are generally a pain to work with - he doesn't shy away from working with it though. When Axl needs to write code he uses eclipse, Netbeans, vim and Microsoft Visual Studio. Axl thinks that GlassFish, WebLogic and JBoss rocks. He also thinks that WebSphere sucks. He likes hp, IBM and Sun hardware. He doesn't think much of Dell's equipment. Axl is married and has kids in school. He likes gardening, Whiskey, lots of exercise and good food.

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