Canonical employees responsible for Ubuntu (and related) website maintenance and development.
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Subteam of
“Canonical Web Monkeys” is a member of these teams:
- Anjali Team
- Buy-something hackers
- Canonical content creators
- Canonical ISD hackers
- Canonical Livepatch Dependencies Team
- Canonical Payment Service Testers
- Canonical Salesforce User Community
- Canonical User Experience and Design team
- Canonical Voices
- Canonical Website Editors
- Cisco VPP
- Citrix Client
- Cloud Deck Team
- Design Internal
- design.c.c authors
- design.u.c editors
- Development of awstrial
- Fake Juju team
- Fubuntu team
- insights.u.c editors
- IoT Devices
- Juju Website Team
- Landscape Bugs
- Landscape Development Tools Team
- Landscape
- latch-hackers
- oerppy Hackers
- Oops Tools development team
- Papercuts Ninjas
- Papercutters
- authors
- Plum grid team
- The Grover team
- The Maza team
- txStatsD Developers
- Ubuntu App Developer site editors
- Ubuntu Community Website Admins
- Ubuntu CSS Maintainers
- Ubuntu Font Family Website contributors
- Ubuntu Online Tour team
- Ubuntu Openstack Installer
- Ubuntu Quality
- Ubuntu Start Page
- ubuntuforums-devel
- USN Website Team
- Wasilla Team
- Webteam Backend
- Webteam builds