
Currently I'm 17 (born in 1992). You have the right to ask me, what can I do for Ubuntu. And I think I have the right to list my activities, and my plans for the near future.

I'm the organizer of the first Linux-day of Kecskemét (it's a Hungarian town). I have several plans to make this opertion system to a more useable, friendly OS. I've used Gnome, Xfce, Lxde, KDE, and Openbox, but my favourite is Xfce. I really like helping people, whenever, wherever. I showed Ubuntu for some people - in my class, I had a presentation, and half of my class became Ubuntu users. The next stepp will be the whole school, I'm just waiting for the directors signature (to be honest, it's just a plan, but if I would have it, I could do it in no time).

Well, I'd like to be a programmer - this means lots of energy from me to learn new methods, languages, and so on. When I'll be a professional (and if I can), I'd like to help to the developers of Ubuntu. And - to be honest - my dream is to help to translate this system, but it will take more and more learning from me (oh God), because as you can see, I'm really bad at English.

In basics, thats all about me.

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