This is the team to develop individual Screenlets for the main Screenlets project. You may want to join the team...

— To fix errors in an existing Screenlet
— To develop/modify an existing Screenlet
— To publish your own Screenlet on central PPA
— To make a Screenlet easily translatable
— To get your Screenlet included in one of the official Screenlet packs
— To bump the version of a Screenlet in order to make build system to update the Screenlet and its translations in PPA ;-)

You are welcome to help with any of the Screenlets. However, there are some basic guidelines...

— Do not create a new Screenlet if you can reach the same result by enhancing an existing one
— Do not remove any essential functionality from a Screenlet without an agreement from the previous authors
— If you need to remove functionality, you have to present it as a new/modified Screenlet and name it accordingly (for example you can name "SimpleFooScreenlet" to "FooExtendedBarScreenlet" to stick to present "Foo" brand, if needed)
— Provide the description field for the Screenlet elaborate enough to be informative while installing as a Debian package from a package manager
— Increment the version number of a Screenlet after you have finished implementing and testing your modifications, otherwise the changes won't be published on the PPA
— On commiting changes, please indicate the name of modified Screenlet in the beginning of the commit message followed by colon (ex. "FooBarScreenlet: Fixed refresh error")
— Make sure that your code is universal enough to work on any Ubuntu/Debian system (at least)
— Your code has to conform to the documentation at

You can find some basic instructions at

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Märt Põder
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Moderated Team

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