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James Page
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Target milestone:
OpenStack Snap 2023.1.3
Ubuntu artful-updates
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James Page's teams
“Aarti Team” team
“Anjali Team” team
“Application Indicator Upstream Applications” team
“Auto Upgrade Testing Developers” team
“Avantika Team” team
“Awake Marmot” team
“Ayatana Discussion” team
“ayatana-commits” team
“Bacchus” team
“Big Data Charmers” team
“Bileto Users” team
“Bug Supervisors for Ubuntu Translations” team
“bzr-doc-chinese-contributors” team
“Canonical Charmers Lead” team
“Canonical content creators” team
“Canonical Desktop Experience Team” team
“Canonical Field Critical” team
“Canonical Field High” team
“Canonical Field Medium” team
“Canonical Infoblox” team
“Canonical Onlineservices charmers” team
“Canonical Storage” team
“Cape Girardeau Team” team
“Cassandra Ubuntu Packaging” team
“Charm Helper Maintainers” team
“Charm Toolers” team
“charmers” team
“Cinder” team
“Cisco VPP” team
“cisco-n1kv” team
“CluTK Team” team
“Compiz Linaro Team” team
“Compiz Maintainers” team
“compiz packagers” team
“computer-janitor-hackers” team
“CPLANE Charm” team
“Crash bug triagers for Ubuntu packages” team
“CU2D maintainers” team
“DBus Menu Team” team
“Debian Java Maintainers” team
“Debian Java Team” team
“Demo Charms” team
“DesktopFolder Team” team
“dpdk” team
“Editors of unity.ubuntu.com” team
“Edubuntu Bugsquad” team
“Edubuntu Developers” team
“Edubuntu Menu Editor development team” team
“Elasticsearch Charmers” team
“EMC VNX Support” team
“etherpad” team
“Farsi Fonts” team
“FCE Access” team
“FE Team” team
“Friends of LibZeitgeist” team
“Ganglia Charmers” team
“Geonames developers” team
“GNOME Power Manager Team” team
“GNOME3 Team” team
“Graylog Charmers” team
“GTK+ C++ interface Ubuntu maintainers” team
“Hadoop Ubuntu Packagers” team
“haproxy-team” team
“Hudson Ubuntu Users” team
“IBM Charms” team
“IBM Demo Team” team
“Indicator Applet Developers” team
“Indicator Network Developers” team
“indicator-sound-developers” team
“insights.u.c authors” team
“IRC Charmers” team
“Java Packaging” team
“Jenkins Ensemble Formula Developers” team
“Jenkins Ubuntu Packaging” team
“JOnAS Ubuntu Packagers” team
“JOnAS Ubuntu Users” team
“juju Charm Contributors” team
“Juju Demo” team
“Juju Engineering” team
“Juju GUI Charmers” team
“Juju Solutions Team” team
“Juju Website Team” team
“Juju-Jitsu Hackers” team
“Kubuntu CI” team
“Kubuntu Developers” team
“Kubuntu Netbook” team
“Kubuntu Ninjas - Yellow belts” team
“Kubuntu Ninjas” team
“Kubuntu Package Archives” team
“Kubuntu Packagers” team
“Kubuntu Updates Testing” team
“Landscape Charmers” team
“Launch Lite Team” team
“Launchpad Beta Testers” team
“Leadership Election Support charmers” team
“Liblauncher Devel” team
“Libvirt Maintainers” team
“LibZeitgeist Developers” team
“livecd-rootfs Maintainers” team
“Lubuntu Code” team
“Lubuntu Continuous Integration” team
“Lubuntu Developers” team
“Lubuntu Software Center Team” team
“Lubuntu” team
“Lucene Ubuntu Packagers” team
“MAAS Development” team
“memcached team” team
“micro-cluster” team
“MicroStackers” team
“midonet-charmers” team
“Mininet Developers” team
“MIR approval team” team
“Modem Manager Team” team
“MOTU” team
“MySQL Charm Maintainers” team
“mythbuntu-dev” team
“Nagios Charm developers” team
“Network-manager” team
“Neutron Developers” team
“Nexenta Charmers” team
“Notify OSD Developers” team
“Nova” team
“Nova-lxd team” team
“NRPE charm developers” team
“NTP charm developers” team
“Nuage Charmers” team
“OIF Packaging” team
“OpenAttestation Ubuntu Packagers” team
“Openstack Charm Backports” team
“Openstack Charm Hotfix” team
“Openstack Charm Testers” team
“OpenStack Charm Testing Maintainers” team
“OpenStack Charmers - Testing Charms” team
“OpenStack Charmers: Charm Archive” team
“Openstack Charmers Layers” team
“OpenStack Charmers” team
“OpenStack Contributors” team
“OpenStack Python3 Migration Team” team
“OpenStack Reviewers” team
“OpenStack Snappers” team
“OpenStack Team” team
“OpenStack Ubuntu packagers” team
“Openstack Ubuntu Testers” team
“OpenStack Ubuntu Testing Notifications” team
“openstack-charm-sync” team
“PackageKit-Team” team
“pkgme developers” team
“Planet Ubuntu” team
“Python Jenkins Developers” team
“Quobyte Inc.” team
“SDN Charmers” team
“snap-mysql-shell-developers” team
“Squid Reverse Proxy Charmers” team
“subunit-dev” team
“Super Friends” team
“Tempest Snappers” team
“Terracotta Ubuntu Packaging” team
“The Maas-vlan team” team
“The Omsk Team” team
“The Springfield Project” team
“Theme Shimmers” team
“Timezone Map Team” team
“Tomcat7 Packagers” team
“Trilio Charmers” team
“Tritemio Maintainers” team
“Turkey Pop-up Team” team
“Ubiquity Slideshow” team
“Ubuntu App Developer site editors” team
“Ubuntu Artwork Packagers” team
“Ubuntu Audio Development Team” team
“Ubuntu Bazaar Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu branches” team
“Ubuntu Budgie Developers” team
“Ubuntu Budgie Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Budgie” team
“Ubuntu Bug Control” team
“Ubuntu Ceph Packagers” team
“Ubuntu CI managed package branches” team
“Ubuntu Cinnamon Developers” team
“Ubuntu CLI/Mono Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Cloud Archive - Bug Supervisors” team
“Ubuntu Cloud Archive Team” team
“Ubuntu Contributing Developers” team
“Ubuntu Core Development Team” team
“Ubuntu Desktop Extra Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Desktop” team
“Ubuntu Developers” team
“Ubuntu Development Team (bugmail catching gateway)” team
“Ubuntu Development Team” team
“Ubuntu Documentation Committers” team
“Ubuntu Documentation Project Team” team
“Ubuntu Game Developers” team
“Ubuntu GeoIP Team” team
“Ubuntu GNOME bug control” team
“Ubuntu GNOME Developers” team
“Ubuntu GNOME Flashback” team
“Ubuntu GNOME” team
“Ubuntu Input Methods Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Kernel DKMS Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Kernel Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Kylin Members” team
“Ubuntu Kylin Quality” team
“Ubuntu Landing PPAs” team
“Ubuntu MATE Developers” team
“Ubuntu MATE Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Members” team
“Ubuntu Mozilla Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu NetworkManager Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu OIF uploaders” team
“Ubuntu OpenStack CI Team” team
“Ubuntu OpenStack uploaders” team
“Ubuntu OpenStack” team
“Ubuntu Packaging Guide Team” team
“Ubuntu Phablet Team” team
“Ubuntu Push Hackers” team
“Ubuntu Qt Code” team
“Ubuntu Raspberry Pi Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Reports Dev Team” team
“Ubuntu Schooltool Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Server Developers” team
“Ubuntu Server ec2 Testing Developers” team
“Ubuntu Server ec2 Testing Notifications” team
“Ubuntu Server Iso Testing Developers” team
“Ubuntu Server Staged Uploads” team
“Ubuntu Server” team
“Ubuntu Studio Development” team
“Ubuntu Studio Nightly” team
“Ubuntu Studio PPA” team
“Ubuntu Studio Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Sugar Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Testing Tools Team” team
“Ubuntu Transition Trackers” team
“Ubuntu Ubuntu One Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Virtualization Developers” team
“Ubuntu Wiki Editors” team
“Ubuntu Xorg uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Zentyal Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Zope Uploaders” team
“UbuntuKylin Community Team” team
“UbuntuKylin Developers” team
“UbuntuKylin Documentation Team” team
“Unity Control Center development team” team
“Unity7 Maintainers Team” team
“Unity Photos Lens” team
“Unity Settings Daemon Development Team” team
“Unity Stats Developers” team
“Unity Team” team
“Unity Videos lens” team
“UnityX” team
“UNR Developers” team
“Uploaders for the ubuntu-qt-packages packageset” team
“Uploaders to the Xubuntu packageset” team
“usb-creator hackers” team
“Vault charmers” team
“Vault Snappers” team
“Virtual Maasers” team
“Wasilla Team” team
“xsplash team” team
“Xubuntu Artwork” team
“Xubuntu Developers” team