I just graduated from DeVry University with a Bachelors of Science degree in Electronics Engineering Technology at the end of October 2008. I'm looking forward to putting degree to good use in the technology field. I haven't been able to find a job in my field yet, but am looking and hope to find something soon.

I have been heavily involved in the Boy Scouts since I was 12. I worked hard and by February 2003 I earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Then I started spending most of my time in scouts with the Order of the Arrow. The order of the Arrow or O/A for short is the national honor society of scouts. During my time with the O/A I have achieve the Vigil honor, which is the highest honor you can receive in the O/A. I have also been a Chapter Chief and now am an advisor for one of the Vice Chiefs in the chapter. For the O/A you are considered a youth till you are 21, but after I turned 18 I became an Assistant Scoutmaster. I still participate in both my troop and the O/A as much as i possibly can.

I was born in Dallas, Texas, but my parents had to move when I was 2 and a half years old so I don't remember it. We moved to a small town in northern Alabama where we lived for about 6 years, and then for another year we lived in Wisconson for about a year. We then moved from Wisconson to Arizona, where we have lived for 12 years.


I have been using Ubuntu since version 6.06 Dapper Drake almost 3 years ago if I got my dates right which was a couple of months before I started at DeVry, and I have been using it ever since. I have been switching back and forth between Ubuntu and Kubuntu and have liked both. Both my laptop and my desktop are running dual boot with Ubuntu and that Windows XP. I still don't trust Vista in any form other than in a virtual machine.

Current Level of Involvement (Links on my wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kennymc0)

Member - Ubuntu News Team

Contributer - Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Compile updates and security and statistics. Also compile all the upcoming events section, and recently began working on the "In the Blogosphere" section.

Member - Arizona LoCo Team

Active in IRC on channels #ubuntu-us-az, #plugaz, #ubuntu-news on freenode. I help whenever I can, and help lighten the mood with a well timed joke or two. Sometimes it doesn't work as well as planned. Like: Why was the tomato red? .......Because it saw the salad dressing.

Helped plan and find the location for the Hardy Release Party. Passed out fliers before the event to help with participation. During the party I helped pass out CDs, and explained what Ubuntu was about and the LoCo team did to anyone that wanted to know.

Helped with planning the Hardy Install Fest. Also participated in the event, passed out fliers before hand, brought needed equipment for the event, and helped people install Ubuntu on their computers.

Helped plan AbleConf which was a collaborative effort between all the state Open Source groups. Also brought tables, and computers to the event for the team booth. Helped presenters with setting up their presentations in the conference rooms, and helped in any other way that I could.

Helped plan Phoenix Intrepid Install fest. I also participated in the event, and took pictures and helped out wherever I could.

Team Scribe - Arizona Team Meetings - Post logs from meetings for the Newsletter Team to use. Wasn't done on a consistent basis till I took over.

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