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We found out that our previous MapGenerationService interface was not a good abstraction for the user. We are going to make the abstraction better by removing the functionality of adding layers, and instead allowing the user to render images by giving the service a set of map views to work with. These map views are ...
This blueprint is about making the class GeoMap used in our old project (MGS) usable for our new implementation.
We need a way to scale circles drawn onto the map correctly taking values into account. This can be done by finding the highest and lowest value of the MapObjects, and creating a "scaling system" where the highest value will give the maximum circle size, and the lowest value will give the minimum circle size.
When map data is fetched from the client and parsed into manageable data structures, our assignment is to render this data to the correct map projection and create an image out of it. Rendering in GeoTools can be done with the GTRenderer class.

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