I'm currently an independent consultant for research organisations and institutions, where I interface between artists, scholars, social scientists, lawyers and media practitioners and technology and technologists. My area of interest is this zone of translation and between these two constituencies.

Information below is valid uptil August 2007.
I'm working in the CyberMohalla project in New Delhi, a joint initiative of CSDS' Sarai Programme ( http://www.sarai.net )and the Ankur Society for Alternatives in Education.

For the last three years, I have been working with young adults from bastis (working class settlements) in Delhi in media labs that the project has set up in various localities.

Our media labs (Compu Ghars) run exclusively on Free Software and I have three years of experience working with the immensely talented writers, technologists, animators, photographers and artists that the labs have thrown up.

My work is almost exclusively with, in, or about Hindi in technology. I believe that prevailing technical language and even interface graphical metaphor (for example the magnifying glass for "Search") is intensely culture-specific. As someone interfacing between technolog(ists|y) and human beings, the vast and sometimes seemingly insurmountable gap between the two is often daunting, yet always challenging.

I have been working with computers since 1992, with Linux since 1.2.13 and with Gentoo Linux since version 1.0_rc3-r12, way back around the turn of the millennium. Along the way, I've encountered Red Hat, Debian, Mandrake, SuSE, and Slackware.

While Gentoo is (and probably always will be) home for me, I'm incredibly impressed by Ubuntu and, as always, remain stunned by the elegance of the underlying Debian subsystem. When we were choosing a distro for the labs, Ubuntu did not exist and Debian was distributing ancient software, so we went with Gentoo.

In September 2006, I decided to migrate our lab systems to Kubuntu. In this regard, I joined Launchpad to contribute (and partake) to the forums and found out that it was easy to start translating. My primary interest as a Launchpad member is translation.

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