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Move to logging for CTESLO
As now the error messages are crude sys.stderr.write calls. The logging package is higher-level, cleaner and support code split into several modules (so libcteslo…) and thus would be better suited for this purpose
From the very beginning cteslo has been using subprocess.Popen and his siblings (call…) for plugin use. This is messy at best and makes several features like logging, graceful error management impossible. Thus the need to move all this to a cleaner flow: plugins will now need a script in python3 (as is already the c...
Using extract-text-property
The title said it all.
Since trs is ubiquitously used for ESLO and is available as input it would be nice if there were an option for outputting trs files natively in CTESLO. Of course it would need an extension of the trs format, since it doesn't includes lexeme segmentation and tags yet.

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