I'm your friendly flipping hacker from the neighbourhood. Stuff like OpenGL, cairo, gstreamer and realtime computer-graphics in general make my brain tick. Aside from that I always like a good portion of capoeira and acrobatics. Stuff I hack on can be found on my homepage http://
During my time at Canonical I worked on all the different versions of unity (unity7, unity8) and notify-osd.
User information
- Launchpad Id:
- macslow
- Email:
- Log in for email information.
- Member since:
- 2005-11-01
- Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct:
- Yes
- Languages:
- English
- OpenPGP keys:
- EB80681A1DD58FFBB8E18CE805B2D3BE0B6AF348
- SSH keys:
- Time zone:
- Europe/Berlin (UTC+0100)
- Karma:
- 65 Karma help
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GDM Face Browser
for Ubuntu
Discuss and agree changes to our default greeter.
* input from hardy-theme discussion
* default is a face-browser, allowing users to click on their name
* shows face/image
* maybe show name with face/image?
* transitions between certain stages of the face-browser will be animated
* OpenGL is used to allow smo...
Profiles for compiz' effect-levels
for Ubuntu
To avoid loosing a custom set of enabled plugins and plugin-settings compiz needs to support profiles. This support has to be provided via libcompizsettings. In addition to that profile-support will simplify the task of tweaking the other two sets of effect-levels "normal" and "extra", which can be implemented as tw...
for Ubuntu
shine is meant to be an addition to gnome-about, presenting the list of contributors with a higher visual impact than the default gnome-about. It is a fun and spare-time hack of low priority, so don't hold you breath.
for Ubuntu
To ensure the smooth operation of compiz as the default window-manager the integration work into the desktop has to be emphasized. The tools for controlling appearance, workspaces, keyboard and sessions have to be made more compiz-aware. The default behaviour (actions triggered via keyboard-shortcuts or by popping u...
Sane keyboard-shortcuts for compiz
for Ubuntu
Improving the integration of compiz into the GNOME-desktop needs trimming down the keyboard-shortcuts to sane defaults, making them map 1:1 to metacity's default keyboard-shortcuts and make keyboard-shortcuts for additional compiz-functionality easily discoverable without the user being required to skim the web for ...
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