Hmm....where to start....

Graduated from WVU (West Virginia University, Morgantown WV, USA) with a Bachelors in Music Education.

Was a high school band director for 3 years.

I liked teaching, but unfortunately I was always broke, as teachers are some of the poorest paid people in the USA.

I changed careers and tried the Real Estate world for a couple years, working for Century 21.

I liked being self-employed, however I was still broke, as any money I made was erratic, and never guaranteed.

Got into the IT field. Currently working in the IT department of the Cummins Diesel Assembly Plant in Whittakers, NC. I'm also enrolled in the Masters program at Bellevue University; and am on track to receive my Masters in Computer Information Systems by Aug. of 2009.

I've always been a computer "tinkerer", designing web pages, writing small applications, and generally just playing around with computers. I am very glad to finally be making a life-long hobby a career.

I'm certainly unique, with a very diverse and varied career background. I am looking forward to contributing to the Ubuntu.

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