Ubuntu contributors Team from State of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam , Meghalaya , Nagaland , Tripura , Manipur , Mizoram and Sikkim

Students , Developers , Contributors , Research Scientist and other Contributors of various Opensource Development agencies. All packages will remain in private repositories of NE Ubuntu Team But if release team decide to release them for Public Availability than Only they will be Added to one of the available PPA here

Member Other than Moderator for PPA release team are not allowed directly here . They have to register through GitHub account and have to available send their details , skills and motive for contribution at <email address hidden> or Read this https://github.com/NortheastUbuntuTeam/membership

Core Team members are :

1. Aron Garg (Administrator and Co-founder)
2. Nisankh Acharjya (Debian,Ubuntu PPA,Hackers team moderator & Co-Founder )
3. Nilakshi Saikia ( Fedora / Red-hat / Cent-OS / Open-SUSE team moderator )
4. Alakesh Mishra ( Developer & Localization team Moderator )
5. Rajib Kakoti ( Python , nodejs/ angularjs / electronjs developer )
6. A Borpatra ( Security and vulnerability assessment )
7. Nikhilesh Pathak ( Front-end Developer )
8. Ankita Acharjya ( Django , Web developer and design team member )
9. ALL CORE MEMBERS ( coordinator for Academic and Research student )

Volunteer Members allowed ..

We are not responsible for any damage , loss and inconvenience in any form caused after using these PPA in your system

Our GitHub Repository is : https://github.com/NortheastUbuntuTeam

Team details

Log in for email information.
Nisankh Acharjya
Created on:
Assamese, Bengali, English
Membership policy:
Moderated Team

Mailing list

mail northeastindia@lists.staging.launchpad.net
Policy: You must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list.
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“NorthEast India Ubuntu Team” is a member of these teams: