I am 76years old. Retired. Working with Ubuntu 12.10 Specially with svxlink a clone from echolink used by radioamaters for communication both on inet and from transportabel equipment car to own station and then all the world. Look on my homepage www.olehasselbalch.dk There i have made a litlle description off svxlink I have call as oz6oh and oz7t. I am building all my equipment .
I live 19 Km west kopenhagen in Ballerup email <email address hidden> I am looking for other radiofriends also trying to get svxlink to work. (I have HAD big big troubles) but try to call oz7t-l on echolink and you will se its working. node 295555

I am looking for people there will help me to make some graphical overlays with gcc . Please write me on <email address hidden>

I am trying to work with GLADE but have big problemes

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