Can we depricate 3 module auto-email-XXXXXX ?

There are a 3 modules in trunk-extra-addons.
* auto_email_account
* auto_email_sale
* auto_email_stock
These all modules based on the smtpclient module. those all modules are the posted to this branch since version 4.2.

but after the version 5.0 we have a new development in Server itself called `Server Action` which is also supported by the smtpclient module to send the emails. and all these functionalities now seems simple and not do not required above 3 modules.

so can we remove / deprecate these 3 modules from the that branch ?

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Voting options

Name Title Active
no No we can not Yes
custom Remove Current code and Server Action should be Created by these all Modules Yes
yes Yes we can Yes

Voting has closed

Voting closed .


This poll has no winner(s).

Here are the number of votes each option received.

Option Votes
No we can not 0
Remove Current code and Server Action should be Created by these all Modules 0
Yes we can 0