Hi earthlings !

I am from Jupiter and I plan to conquer your world. It happend that I landed in a small part of your planet called France by the life form leaving there, that's why my name is "Schplurtz le déboulonné".
It means "Schplurtz the unscrewed", something more or less related to my character and way of life.

Conquering your world is a big task, so I decided to reproduce myself and commited 2 clones. Be warned, earthlings,
there are 3 of us now, it is sufficient to take over this planet.

Fortunately (for you) I have to wait for the clones to be adults, before they are completely operationnal. This will take about 20 of your years. While taking care of the clones and watching them grow up, I spend some of my spare time (does it really exists on Earth ?), playing with computers. Playing is nice, because at work, I ..... work with computers.

Schplurtz Le Déboulonné.

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