Sebastian Feuerstack is currently researching about dialogue modeling for multimodal applications as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) in São Paulo in Brazil. His project is sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and additionally supported by professors from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), and by the Faber Ludens Institute for interaction design in Curitiba, Brazil.
User information
- Launchpad Id:
- sfeu
- Email:
- Log in for email information.
- Member since:
- 2008-07-01
- Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct:
- Yes
- Languages:
- English
- OpenPGP keys:
- 95A372F3885DE21F2FD5EC79AA4BF02AD0F40C27
- Time zone:
- UTC (UTC+0000)
- Karma:
- 0 Karma help
Latest memberships
Sebastian Feuerstack is not an active member of any Launchpad teams.