PPA packages

150 of 186 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
scimpy Scimpy - Ubuntu Xenial 0.0.1-0~201706041352~ubuntu16.04.1 None
scimpy Scimpy - Ubuntu Vivid 0.0.1-0~201706041352~ubuntu15.04.1 None
scimpy Scimpy - Ubuntu Zesty 0.0.1-0~201706041352~ubuntu17.04.1 None
scimpy Scimpy - Ubuntu Yakkety 0.0.1-0~201706041352~ubuntu16.10.1 None
scimpy Scimpy - Ubuntu Trusty 0.0.1-0~201706041352~ubuntu14.04.1 None
openmw OpenMW Daily Builds - Ubuntu Trusty 0.41.0+git201703311447~ubuntu14.04.1 None
openmw OpenMW Daily Builds - Ubuntu Xenial 0.41.0+git201703020311~ubuntu16.04.1 None
openmw OpenMW Daily Builds - Ubuntu Yakkety 0.41.0+git201703020310~ubuntu16.10.1 None
openmw OpenMW Daily Builds - Ubuntu Zesty 0.41.0+git201703020254~ubuntu17.04.1 None
spyder Scott Howard's PPA - Ubuntu Yakkety 3.0.1+dfsg1-1~ppa2 None
nbconvert Scott Howard's PPA - Ubuntu Yakkety 4.2.0-3~ppa1 None
python-qtconsole Scott Howard's PPA - Ubuntu Yakkety 4.2.1-2~ppa1 None
librecad PPA named librecad-daily for librecad-dev - Ubuntu Xenial 2.1.1+20160915.405-0~ubuntu16.04.1 None
librecad PPA named librecad-daily for librecad-dev - Ubuntu Yakkety 2.1.1+20160915.405-0~ubuntu16.10.1 None
librecad PPA named librecad-daily for librecad-dev - Ubuntu Wily 2.1.1+20160915.405-0~ubuntu15.10.1 None
librecad PPA named librecad-daily for librecad-dev - Ubuntu Vivid 2.1.1+20160915.405-0~ubuntu15.04.1 None
librecad PPA named librecad-daily for librecad-dev - Ubuntu Trusty 2.1.1+20160915.405-0~ubuntu14.04.1 None
openttd Scott Howard's PPA - Ubuntu Yakkety 1.4.4~41~ubuntu16.10.1 None
openttd Scott Howard's PPA - Ubuntu Xenial 1.4.4~41~ubuntu16.04.1 None
network-manager-openconnect Scott Howard's PPA - Ubuntu Xenial 1.0.2-1build1.16.04.1~ppa1 None
network-manager-openconnect Scott Howard's PPA - Ubuntu Wily 1.0.2-1build2~ppa1 None
bitshares-2 BitShares PPA - Ubuntu Wily 1:2.0.160406-0~wily None
bitshares-2 BitShares PPA - Ubuntu Vivid 1:2.0.160406-0~vivid None
bitshares-2-ui BitShares PPA - Ubuntu Wily 1:2.0.160330-0~wily None
bitshares-2-ui BitShares PPA - Ubuntu Vivid 1:2.0.160330-0~vivid None
librecad Stable LibreCAD packages - Ubuntu Xenial 2.0.8-1~daily1~ubuntu16.04.1 None
librecad Stable LibreCAD packages - Ubuntu Trusty 2.0.8-1~daily1~ubuntu14.04.1 None
librecad Stable LibreCAD packages - Ubuntu Vivid 2.0.8-1~daily1~ubuntu15.04.1 None
librecad Stable LibreCAD packages - Ubuntu Wily 2.0.8-1~daily1~ubuntu15.10.1 None
openmw OpenMW Daily Builds - Ubuntu Wily 0.38.0+git20160130.818~ubuntu15.10.1 None
graphene-ui Scott Howard's PPA - Ubuntu Vivid None
graphene-ui Scott Howard's PPA - Ubuntu Wily None
bitshares-2-ui Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Wily 1:2.0.151125+1-0~wily1 None
bitshares-2-ui Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Vivid 1:2.0.151111+1-0~vivid None
npm Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Xenial 1.4.21+ds-0~9~ubuntu16.04.1 None
npm Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Vivid 1.4.21+ds-0~9~ubuntu15.04.1 None
npm Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Wily 1.4.21+ds-0~9~ubuntu15.10.1 None
gyp Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Xenial 0.1+20150913git1f374df9-0~18~ubuntu16.04.1 None
gyp Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Vivid 0.1+20150913git1f374df9-0~18~ubuntu15.04.1 None
gyp Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Wily 0.1+20150913git1f374df9-0~18~ubuntu15.10.1 None
node-gyp Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Xenial 3.0.3-0~12~ubuntu16.04.1 None
node-gyp Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Vivid 3.0.3-0~12~ubuntu15.04.1 None
node-gyp Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Wily 3.0.3-0~12~ubuntu15.10.1 None
nodejs Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Wily 4.2.2~dfsg-1~wily1 None
nodejs Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Vivid 4.2.2~dfsg-1~ppa1 None
graphene Scott Howard's PPA - Ubuntu Wily 0~20151110-0~205~ubuntu15.10.1 None
graphene Scott Howard's PPA - Ubuntu Vivid 0~20151110-0~205~ubuntu15.04.1 None
bitshares-2 Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Wily 2.15.306-0~wily None
bitshares-2 Bitshares PPA by showard - Ubuntu Vivid 2.15.306-0~vivid None
qtdeclarative-opensource-src qt5.5 - Ubuntu Vivid 5.5.0-2~ppa1vivid2 None
150 of 186 results