Related packages

PPA packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 17 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
kamaki synnefo - Ubuntu Trusty 0.16-1~trusty None
snf-image-creator synnefo - Ubuntu Trusty 0.11-1~trusty None
snf-image-creator synnefo - Ubuntu Precise 0.10.5-1~precise None
kamaki synnefo - Ubuntu Precise 0.15-1~precise None
snf-image-creator synnefo - Ubuntu Xenial 0.9next~785~5b0eed3~9dc14cd-1~xenial None
winexe synnefo - Ubuntu Trusty 1.1~201405081119-7~trusty None
icaas-agent synnefo - Ubuntu Trusty 0.2-1~trusty None
objpool synnefo - Ubuntu Precise 0.4-1~precise None
synnefo synnefo - Ubuntu Precise 0.15.2-1~precise None
winexe synnefo - Ubuntu Saucy 1.1~201311181815-3~saucy None