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#1526490 [RFE] support multi nodes operations | ||
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Implement neutron advanced router commands
for python-openstackclient
Implement neutron advanced router commands
neutronclient has the following advanced router commands that need to be implemented in openstackclient
- router-gateway-clear
- router-gateway-set
- router-interface-add
- router-interface-delete
- router-port-list
Migration state machine.
for OpenStack Compute (nova)
In the current code, migration statuses (Migration.status) are represented with pure String. So are image statuses, snapshot statuses, and event statuses.
It has the following demerits:
1. When we grep the code for migration statuses, we could get lots of noisy info we don't want.
eg. When we want to grep migr...
Improve "openstack server xxx" commands to effect on multiple servers.
for python-openstackclient
NOTE: This BP has been redirected to a new one:
Improve "openstack server xxx" commands to effect on multiple servers.
Now in Openstack client, some commands are able to be operated on
more than one instances. eg:
# openstack s...
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