
As author of the Project: Kronosphere series, you may wonder why I would also be a developer here on Launchpad. Well, truth is, I am a classically trained Computer Programmer who specializes in both the ISO C++ and Python programming languages. But, as you may also be aware, I am the creator and executive producer of the Project: Kronosphere program that is currently being developed by my production company TimeHorse, Multimedia.

Okay, I guess you are now saying, "Project what??" I admit it, Project: Kronosphere is just a twinkle in my far-reaching eye, but once Python 3000 was a pipe dream and here we are with its release just around the corner so one never knows! And speaking of just around the corner, I had better get back to my Regexp version 2.6 edits if I am to finish them in time for the June Python 2.6 beta!!!


A.K.A. The TimeHorse.

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