Members of “Ubuntu AllStars”

  • Active members

    There are 10 direct members of the "Ubuntu AllStars" team, and 10 people are members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships.

    110 of 10 results
    Name Member since Expires Status
    Daniel Holbach 2009-10-13 14:57:57 UTC Administrator
    Duncan McGreggor 2010-03-22 20:03:51 UTC Approved
    Dustin Kirkland  2009-10-13 14:51:15 UTC Administrator
    Jono Bacon 2010-03-19 15:44:40 UTC Approved
    Jorge Castro 2009-10-13 15:17:27 UTC Approved
    Marianna Raffaele 2010-03-19 15:42:56 UTC Approved
    Michelle Surtees-Myers 2011-04-06 16:43:29 UTC Approved
    Oliver Grawert 2011-05-10 15:17:32 UTC Approved
    Pete Graner 2009-10-13 14:47:54 UTC Administrator
    Tony Espy 2009-10-13 14:51:07 UTC Administrator
    110 of 10 results