(a message not from 'serfus')
We are the Israeli LoCo team. Any Israeli LUG member is welcomed to join the low-volume mailing list, even if he/she don't use Ubuntu. Just don't ask me to remove you before you've proven yourself worthy. I have life myself you know... and you can reset your launchpad account yourself.
Israel is a small country and this LoCo team is young and did some mistakes in the past, hell, our country is young, not even 70. We provide support mostly in Hebrew on our Website to Ubuntu and it's derivatives.
So if you need to reach me don't hesitate to send a mail or call (I'm not tech support though, we got a Hebrew-speaking website though it should talk Arabic and English as well. I think I plenty of contact information on Canonical-ish websites).
-- Amir Eldor (current point-of-contact for Israel)
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