The Ubuntu Iranian Team Community Council is the group which determines the social policies and structure of the Ubuntu Iranian Team Projects.

Certain aims of the Council are:

 * Establishing guidelines (objectives and methodology) for the various projects and the working groups within the community.
 * Permitting the groups to work with sufficient autonomy in respect of the guidelines of the community
 * Keeping track of the various activities within the community and the working groups in order to avoid duplicate work, overlaps and wastes of resources.
 * Take care of relations between the Iranian community and Canonical through the contact
 * Coordinating the various activities, optimising efforts.
 * Working to resolve any difference in ideas or other problems that present themselves within the community, in the event that they occur between members of the community or within working groups
 * Promoting activities which aim at the greater diffusion of Ubuntu
 * Promoting the work of the Iranian community to the other national communities and Canonical

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Mehdi Hassanpour
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Membership policy:
Moderated Team

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“Ubuntu Iranian LoCo Team Council” is a member of these teams: