Hi there,
we aim at translating Ubuntu in Ladin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladin_language.
We are glad if there are other members who would like to join us, please contact any of our members.

In more details, we would like to translate Ubuntu in the "Badia Valley" ladin language, as described on the website of the government-financed cultural institute "Istitut Ladin Micurà de Rü", which mainly studies studies and promotes the language: http://www.micura.it .
Thus, their online translation tool for the Badia Valley language will be a main guideline for the translations: http://www.micura.it/en/activities/dictionaries > http://db2.pixxdb.net/voc_vb/lad/index.html . As such, the official ladin language Val Badia will be the main reference point for this task.

Guidelines for further issues will follow.

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