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Home of the Ubuntu-Pakistan Official LoCo Team organized to seriously contribute towards evolving an Ubuntu Linux User Community in Pakistan as well as the development process of Ubuntu-Linux with the possibility of localization in to 70 regional languages spoken in Pakistan.

Ubuntu today is being used by Schools, Colleges, Universities, Non-Profit, Commercial/Industrial, Private and Public Sector Organizations across the country. Most notable large-scale enterprise applications have been made at Tameer Micro Finance Bank Karachi (all 22 branches with client/server architectures in place), IDS-Balochistan, Open Source Resource Centre, Ministry of IT &T, Government of Pakistan etc.

If you are interested in getting involved in the Ubuntu-Pakistan LoCo Team, kindly create a user account, join the team and subscribe to the <email address hidden> list used to manage the team.

If you want local technical and user support for Ubuntu Linux in Pakistan and want to be part of the user community, kindly join:
Ubuntu Pakistan Users List:

In order to volunteer for either Ubuntu-Pakistan Launchpad Team, you are advised to kindly sign and upload the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. For details of the CoC visit:

Ubuntu-Linux Pakistan Team on Facebook:

Team details

Log in for email information.
Fouad Riaz Bajwa
Created on:
Baluchi, English, English (Australia), English (Canada), English (United Kingdom), Pashto, Punjabi, Sindhi, Swati, Urdu
Membership policy:
Delegated Team

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Policy: You must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list.
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