I do web programming for http://idmsys.com, http://high5systems.com

I have also done work for http://quotatis.co.uk and http://uktc.org


I sponsor http://linuxgeex.com, which I'm setting up to help fill the void between public and developer needs in the FOSS market.

The idea is to enlist a number of FOSS developers and give them free websites to evangelize their skills so they can get "real" jobs, and also to evangelize FOSS software projects, gather public feedback, and allow the public to fund development by donating/bribing towards specific features.

An example would go like this: a user files a feature request, asking for a perspective control in Inkscape. They sit back and hope that the FOSS developers will do it for free/notoriety/kudos. Other users see this feature request and decide that they would like to see it done soon, donate some funds towards its completion. A developer who would have otherwise worked on something else, or even spent the afternoon suntanning, sees the request and the bounty on it, decides to complete it and collect the bounty. They then put their name on it, letting other developers know not to waste their time, and get to work. When complete and the feature request is signed off as done, the developer gets the bounty and recognition for the feature. If they fail to complete it in a reasonable timeframe another developer can put their name on it. Obviously feedback and moderation are required. A developer could also develop a feature in advance, post the feature request, and bounty its release. If they are not competitive, someone else may do the work for less, or even for free, so there are risks involved in trying to make a living like that. ;-)

You can see my homepage at http://wil.linuxgeex.com


Some articles I have written, interviews I've been given, and projects I have contributed to:

The feature request that brought me to this service:

My thanks to Chris at Kororra.org, who has sadly abandoned development:

A review by Circus Maximus:

Project I contributed to: X-MAME http://x.mame.net

My secret weapon for programming with Turbo Pascal 7:

A few bits of code I contributed to SWAG for TP7:

bit-twiddling: http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/NUMBERS/0058.PAS.html
library code: http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/MISC/0142.PAS.html
file pattern: http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/STRINGS/0112.PAS.html
snowfall : http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/GRAPHICS/0163.PAS.html
crt/keyboard: http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/HARDWARE/0046.PAS.html
scalable fonts: http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/EGAVGA/0192.PAS.html
3d spheremap: http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/EGAVGA/0228.PAS.html
splines noFPU: http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/EGAVGA/0229.PAS.html
12h graphics: http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/EGAVGA/0233.PAS.html
wormdance: http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/EGAVGA/0240.PAS.html

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