Barbican havana-3

Milestone information

John Wood
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2 Douglas Mendizábal, 2 John Vrbanac, 8 John Wood, 3 Paul Kehrer
12 Implemented
6 Fix Released

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download icon barbican-2013.2.b3.tar.gz (md5, sig) Barbican Havana M3 source tarball 79
last downloaded 65 weeks ago
Total downloads: 79

Release notes 

Havana M3 for the Barbican key management project.

See this link for release details:


This release does not have a changelog.

12 blueprints and 6 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Implement a crypto plugin to interface with HSMs via PKCS Implement a crypto plugin to interface with HSMs via PKCS 5 Essential Paul Kehrer  11 Implemented
Add RBAC support to Barbican, compatible with Keystone and Repose Add RBAC support to Barbican, compatible with Keystone and Repose 4 High John Wood  11 Implemented
Add an error-reason to the 'orders' API when worker processes crash Add an error-reason to the 'orders' API when worker processes crash 4 High John Wood  11 Implemented
Add missing content-type/encoding logic Add missing content-type/encoding logic 4 High John Wood  11 Implemented
Add unit tests of the PKCS #11 HSM plugin module Add unit tests of the PKCS #11 HSM plugin module 4 High Paul Kehrer  11 Implemented
Change 'cipher-type' to 'mode' in API/code. Change 'cipher-type' to 'mode' in API/code. 4 High John Wood  11 Implemented
MIME Type Revamp MIME Type Revamp 4 High Douglas Mendizábal  11 Implemented
Refine the returned 'content-encodings' for secret metadata to be like 'content-types' Refine the returned 'content-encodings' for secret metadata to be like 'content-types' 4 High John Wood  11 Implemented
Remove a duplicate TenantSecret record on PUTs Remove a duplicate TenantSecret record on PUTs 4 High John Wood  11 Implemented
Refine the crypto plugin's is_supported() method Refine the crypto plugin's is_supported() method 4 High Paul Kehrer  11 Implemented
Remove base64 encoding support on secrets GET responses Remove base64 encoding support on secrets GET responses 4 High John Wood  11 Implemented
Add the total number of secrets/orders available, to the get secret/order list API calls Add the total number of secrets/orders available, to the get secret/order list API calls 3 Medium Douglas Mendizábal  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1208528 #1208528 Order creation failing with 500 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1202857 #1202857 Listing secrets/orders without parameters causes 500 error 3 High John Vrbanac  10 Fix Released
1208562 #1208562 Secret payload retrieval fails with 406 1 Undecided John Wood  10 Fix Released
1208601 #1208601 Putting a secret payload does not fail with an invalid mime-type 1 Undecided John Vrbanac  10 Fix Released
1210583 #1210583 Orders creation without cypher type or algorithm fails with 500 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1211929 #1211929 Creating order with oversized payload fails with 413 instead of 400 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
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