Registered by Johannes Schlüter

This is a module for the NetBeans IDE to run phpt tests, display a summary and shows details of failed tests.

This plugin uses a special version of the run-tests.php script from the PHP distribution to run tests following the phpt format. These tests are mostly used by developers of the PHP runtime but can also be used by other projects. When a test fails the user will get a diff showing the differences and an editor window to change the test. (See screenshot to get an idea)

Later plans include the idea to run the tests using PHP or C debugging to identify the reason for an error.

This project isn't finished, yet, and is very experimental it works for me, sometimes, though :-)

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GNU GPL v2, Other/Open Source
(Dual licensed under the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) and the GNU General Public License version 2 with Classpath exception)

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Latest version is 0.6.0

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