libgnomeui package in Ubuntu RTM

libgnomeui-0: GNOME user interface library - runtime files
libgnomeui-0-dbg: GNOME user interface library - debugging symbols
libgnomeui-common: GNOME user interface library - common files
libgnomeui-dev: GNOME user interface library - development files
libgnomeui-doc: GNOME user interface library - documentation files

This package has 0 new bugs

Package information

Debian GNOME Maintainers
Low Urgency
any all
Latest upload:

*actual publishing details may vary in this distribution, these are just the package defaults.

Upstream connections

The Gnome Projectlibgnomeuimain

libgnomeui is the one of the new core libraries for GNOME 2

Bug supervisor: no
Bug tracker: yes
Branch: yes
Translations: yes

There are no registered releases for the libgnomeui ⇒ main.

14.09 (active development)
2.24.5-3 release (main)

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