symfony package in Ubuntu

php-symfony: set of reusable components and framework for web projects
php-symfony-all-my-sms-notifier: Symfony AllMySms Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-amazon-mailer: Symfony Amazon Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-amazon-sns-notifier: Symfony Amazon SNS Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-amazon-sqs-messenger: Symfony Amazon SQS extension Messenger Bridge
php-symfony-amqp-messenger: Symfony AMQP extension Messenger Bridge
php-symfony-asset: manage asset URLs
php-symfony-beanstalkd-messenger: Symfony Beanstalkd Messenger Bridge
php-symfony-browser-kit: simulate the behavior of a web browser
php-symfony-cache: provides extended PSR-6, PSR-16 (and tags) implementations
php-symfony-clickatell-notifier: Symfony Clickatell Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-config: load configurations from different data sources
php-symfony-console: run tasks from the command line
php-symfony-crowdin-translation-provider: Symfony Crowdin Translation Provider Bridge
php-symfony-css-selector: convert CSS selectors to XPath expressions
php-symfony-debug-bundle: debugging tools for the Symfony framework
php-symfony-dependency-injection: standardize and centralize construction of objects
php-symfony-discord-notifier: Symfony Discord Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-doctrine-bridge: integration for Doctrine with Symfony Components
php-symfony-doctrine-messenger: Symfony Doctrine Messenger Bridge
php-symfony-dom-crawler: ease DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents
php-symfony-dotenv: .env files parser to make environment variables accessible
php-symfony-error-handler: manage errors and ease debugging
php-symfony-esendex-notifier: Symfony Esendex Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-event-dispatcher: dispatch events and listen to them
php-symfony-expo-notifier: Symfony Expo Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-expression-language: compile and evaluate expressions
php-symfony-fake-chat-notifier: Fake Chat (as email or log during development) Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-fake-sms-notifier: Fake SMS (as email or log during development) Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-filesystem: basic filesystem utilities
php-symfony-finder: find files and directories
php-symfony-firebase-notifier: Symfony Firebase Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-form: create HTML forms and process request data
php-symfony-framework-bundle: basic, robust and flexible MVC framework
php-symfony-free-mobile-notifier: Symfony Free Mobile Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-gateway-api-notifier: Symfony GatewayApi Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-gitter-notifier: Symfony Gitter Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-google-chat-notifier: Symfony Google Chat Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-google-mailer: Symfony Google Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-http-client: methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously
php-symfony-http-foundation: object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification
php-symfony-http-kernel: building blocks for flexible and fast HTTP-based frameworks
php-symfony-inflector: words conversion between their singular and plural forms
php-symfony-infobip-notifier: Symfony Infobip Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-intl: limited replacement layer for the PHP extension intl
php-symfony-iqsms-notifier: Symfony Iqsms Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-ldap: abstraction layer for the PHP LDAP module
php-symfony-light-sms-notifier: Symfony LightSms Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-linked-in-notifier: Symfony LinkedIn Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-lock: create and manage locks
php-symfony-loco-translation-provider: Symfony Loco Translation Provider Bridge
php-symfony-lokalise-translation-provider: Symfony Lokalise Translation Provider Bridge
php-symfony-mailchimp-mailer: Symfony Mailchimp Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-mailer: help sending emails
php-symfony-mailgun-mailer: Symfony Mailgun Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-mailjet-mailer: Symfony Mailjet Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-mailjet-notifier: Symfony Mailjet Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-mattermost-notifier: Symfony Mattermost Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-mercure-notifier: Symfony Mercure Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-message-bird-notifier: Symfony MessageBird Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-message-media-notifier: Symfony MessageMedia Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-messenger: send and receive messages
php-symfony-microsoft-teams-notifier: Symfony Microsoft Teams Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-mime: library to manipulate MIME messages
php-symfony-mobyt-notifier: Symfony Mobyt Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-monolog-bridge: integration for Monolog with Symfony Components
php-symfony-nexmo-notifier: Symfony Nexmo Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-notifier: Sends notifications via one or more channels (email, SMS, ...)
php-symfony-octopush-notifier: Symfony Octopush Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-oh-my-smtp-mailer: Symfony OhMySMTP Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-one-signal-notifier: Symfony OneSignal Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-options-resolver: configure objects with option arrays
php-symfony-ovh-cloud-notifier: Symfony OvhCloud Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-password-hasher: password hashing utilities - Symfony Component
php-symfony-phpunit-bridge: integration for PHPUnit with Symfony Components
php-symfony-postmark-mailer: Symfony Postmark Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-process: execute commands in sub-processes
php-symfony-property-access: read from and write to an object or array
php-symfony-property-info: extract information about properties of PHP classes
php-symfony-proxy-manager-bridge: integration for ProxyManager with Symfony Components
php-symfony-rate-limiter: rate limit input and output in applications
php-symfony-redis-messenger: Symfony Redis extension Messenger Bridge
php-symfony-rocket-chat-notifier: Symfony RocketChat Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-routing: associate a request with code that generates a response
php-symfony-runtime: decouple PHP applications from global state
php-symfony-security-bundle: configurable security system for the Symfony framework
php-symfony-security-core: infrastructure for authorization systems - common features
php-symfony-security-csrf: infrastructure for authorization systems - CSRF protection
php-symfony-security-guard: infrastructure for authorization systems - Guard features
php-symfony-security-http: infrastructure for authorization systems - HTTP integration
php-symfony-semaphore: provide exclusive access to a shared resource
php-symfony-sendgrid-mailer: Symfony Sendgrid Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-sendinblue-mailer: Symfony Sendinblue Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-sendinblue-notifier: Symfony Sendinblue Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-serializer: convert PHP objects into specific formats and vice versa
php-symfony-sinch-notifier: Symfony Sinch Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-slack-notifier: Symfony Slack Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-sms-biuras-notifier: Symfony SmsBiuras Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-sms77-notifier: Symfony sms77 Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-smsapi-notifier: Symfony Smsapi Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-smsc-notifier: Symfony SMSC Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-spot-hit-notifier: Symfony Spot-Hit Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-stopwatch: profile PHP code
php-symfony-string: object-oriented API to work with strings
php-symfony-telegram-notifier: Symfony Telegram Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-telnyx-notifier: Symfony Telnyx Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-templating: tools needed to build a template system
php-symfony-translation: tools to internationalize an application
php-symfony-turbo-sms-notifier: Symfony TurboSms Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-twig-bridge: integration for Twig with Symfony Components
php-symfony-twig-bundle: configurable integration of Twig with the Symfony framework
php-symfony-twilio-notifier: Symfony Twilio Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-uid: object-oriented API to generate and represent UIDs
php-symfony-validator: tools to validate values
php-symfony-var-dumper: mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable
php-symfony-var-exporter: export serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code
php-symfony-vonage-notifier: Symfony Vonage Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-web-link: manage links between resources
php-symfony-web-profiler-bundle: collect requests information for analysis and debugging
php-symfony-workflow: manage a workflow or finite state machine
php-symfony-yaml: convert YAML to PHP arrays and the other way around
php-symfony-yunpian-notifier: Symfony Yunpian Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-zulip-notifier: Symfony Zulip Notifier Bridge

This package has 0 new bugs and 0 open questions.

Package information

Ubuntu Developers
Medium Urgency
Latest upload:

*actual publishing details may vary in this distribution, these are just the package defaults.

Upstream connections


PHP framework

Bug supervisor: no
Bug tracker: no
Branch: no

There are no registered releases for the Symfony ⇒ trunk.

The Mantic Minotaur (current stable release)
5.4.23+dfsg-1ubuntu1 release (universe)
The Lunar Lobster (supported)
5.4.16+dfsg-1ubuntu1 release (universe)
The Jammy Jellyfish (supported)
5.4.4+dfsg-1ubuntu8 release (universe)
The Focal Fossa (supported)
4.3.8+dfsg-1ubuntu1 release (universe)
The Bionic Beaver (supported)
3.4.6+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1 security, updates (universe)
3.4.6+dfsg-1 release (universe)
The Xenial Xerus (supported)
2.7.10-0ubuntu2 release (universe)