ubuntu-meta package in Ubuntu

ubuntu-desktop: Ubuntu desktop system
ubuntu-desktop-minimal: Ubuntu desktop minimal system
ubuntu-desktop-raspi: Ubuntu desktop system for Raspberry Pi
ubuntu-minimal: Minimal core of Ubuntu
ubuntu-server: Ubuntu Server system
ubuntu-server-minimal: The Ubuntu Server minimal system
ubuntu-server-raspi: The Ubuntu Server system for Raspberry Pi
ubuntu-standard: The Ubuntu standard system
ubuntu-wsl: Ubuntu on Windows tools - Windows Subsystem for Linux integration

This package has 139 new bugs and 5 open questions.

Package information

Ubuntu Developers
Medium Urgency
Latest upload:

*actual publishing details may vary in this distribution, these are just the package defaults.

Upstream connections

Ubuntu Seedstrunk

Lists of packages required in Ubuntu, used to generate the meta packages and determine which component (main, universe, etc.) a package is destined for.

Bug supervisor: no
Bug tracker: no
Branch: no

There are no registered releases for the Ubuntu Seeds ⇒ trunk.

The Mantic Minotaur (current stable release)
1.524 release (main)
The Lunar Lobster (supported)
1.501 release (main)
The Jammy Jellyfish (supported)
1.481.2 proposed (main)
1.481.1 updates (main)
1.481 release (main)
The Focal Fossa (supported)
1.450.2 updates (main)
1.450 release (main)
The Bionic Beaver (supported)
1.417.5 updates (main)
1.417 release (main)
The Xenial Xerus (supported)
1.361.6 updates (main)
1.361 release (main)
The Trusty Tahr (supported)
1.325.1 updates (main)
1.325 release (main)