Our goal is to provide a complete en-GB translation of elementary.

More information can be found at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnglishTranslation
We are building a word substitution table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnglishTranslation/WordSubstitution

Translatable elementary apps list: https://translations.launchpad.net/elementary

Make sure to subscribe to the mailing list; any doubt about the translations will be solved there.

Team for all English (United Kingdom) translators of elementary.

Team details

Log in for email information.
Alfredo Hernández
Created on:
English (United Kingdom)
Membership policy:
Moderated Team

Mailing list

mail elementary-l10n-en-gb@lists.staging.launchpad.net
Policy: You must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list.
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“elementary English (UK) Translators” is a member of these teams: