My name is Zeeshan Saeed Paracha , 23 , male residing at Karachi , Pakistan currently studing B.A from S.M Arts College , Karachi

Intrests :
Only computers , in any way , Operating Systems , Different Platforms , Networking, Hardware , Softwares , specially Quality Management System ,

Experience :
Well i have tried my self in many fields and proven my self with satisfactory results
but i only listed my real achievements in life as being a citizen of a country that still fighting for basic necessities of life

* Work as a Network Administrator on win 2000 server platform since 2000 in more than 8 organizations

* Work as a chief hardware technition /Propritor in my own organization for about 4 years ( then sadly i have to shutdown my organization due to personal problems)

* Did research on EDTA Medicine and chalition therapy with Dr. Anjum (owner of Norwich Pharma USA in pakistan and achieved proven results

*Managed four ISP-Shared Internet Cable Projects at karachi

*Work as an ISO 90001:2000 Lead Auditor/ Business Development Executive

*Now working as an Ubuntu-Linux based service provider on a low scale (recently started)

Switching to Ubuntu-Linux from windows and other *nix
As i wrote above in my experience that my major work is on windows platform but in year 2001 i have developed my intrest towards open source platform and i started my learning *nix , since then i shifted to different operating systems including redhat , freebsd , openbsd , fedora and finally i got break with Ubuntu Linux :) the best flavour of linux among such a competition where u can see new operating systems every day . The best of Ubuntu-Linux is a hassle free support and free shipment of cds and easy to use interface

My ubuntu linux experience
At first i install free version of Ubuntu 6.06 lts at my home pc and then i decided to take it for a career ending job , now i have spread Ubuntu linux to almost 4 working organizations and including internet cafes , Internet Cable Networks and gaming zone , currently i m maintaining 4 Ubuntu 6.06 based servers and 1 Ubuntu 6.10 based lamp server

My future plan to promote Ubuntu - Linux
Currently i m working on Free UBuntu Lamp Server Access for students and New Comers and soon you will see the registration link of [Free Ubuntu Lamp Server Access] here on my blog

Current Ubuntu Problems and Bug Issues :
I m totally satified with Ubuntu 6.06 and 6.06.1 free editions and runing servers with out having any problem but Ubuntu 6.10 having lot of bugs and hanging problems but as being a hardware experienced and unterstanding of general trouble shooting help me a lot in making my servers runing like thunder storm and hassleless
My current servers runing following services with 99.9% uptime and stability with no errors

*6.06 Based Servers runing
Apache 1.3 and Apache2
counter-strike dedicated server (non-stable)
dns cache
open dns
free dynamic hosting based domain
firestarter with internet sharing
nGircd server
opensshd server
with current load averageof one server is approx.: 0.07, 0.05, 0.07

*6.10 Based server
Under Testing for my above said project

Lamp Server
with open sshd and ircd access
current load average: 0.00. 0.00 . 0.00

One Truth About My self
One real truth about my self is i have not a single certification of computers( in any how) and i learned every thing from google and yahoo search engines :) thats why its my only intrest

Thank You Very Much and
i m thankful to Ubuntu-Linux for providing free community support and free CD's
without knowing me :) now my life is switched to Ubuntu-Linux based track

For those who believe in help
If your nature like me and believe in helping people, then come forward and contact me ASAP as i need help to help others like us,

Free Shells Orkut Community
I own #freeshells community at orkut(dot)com where u can get many free unix shell access providers list, i believe free shells are the best starting point before switching towards open source Operating Systems from you Damn window box !!!!!!!

Contact Information
Zeeshan Saeed Paracha
Network Administrator
Gaming World Online , sunset lane -1 , DHA-II(Ext.) Karachi
Mobile : +92-333-3452237
Email : <email address hidden> (HomePage) (HomePage)
IRC NICK : Shani
* ( Loco-Team Pakistan)
* (Linux Community Pakistan)

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