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All assigned blueprints Assigned blueprints

Allow custom icons with model for Odoo Server (MOVED TO GITHUB)
Actual case: - Open Object is limited by icons in "/tools/" @line 966 (in Trunk branch) - All icons are stored client side. This Blueprint: - Icons stored in ir.icons, icons can be link to a menu like already embedded icons. - Tabs show their module icon too. Advantage: - All clients will get the icon direc...
Import file in binary field for Odoo Server (MOVED TO GITHUB)
Importing binary field is quiet difficult for now. Here are the ways to achieve importing of binary fields: - Use RPC with external program. - Use Base64 encoded, XML, CSV, YAML So for embedding binary data into module: only Base64 is available. Having physical file could be easier: - physical file "icon.png" in t...
Many2many can: - Link a table field, to another table field. - Link in a table a field to another field of the same table. Parents <=> Childs This blueprint: - Link in a table a field to the same field: Example: equal <=> equal relation. So it's a special case of many2many where: class my_obj(osv.osv): _name =...
Many 2 many resource for Odoo Server (MOVED TO GITHUB)
The aim of the field is to link any kind of object resource to another one. Should be implemented in orm. With methods like this: - obj.lnk2res_set(cr, uid, res_ids, other_model, other_res_ids), - obj.lnk2res_del(cr, uid, res_id, other_model, other_res_id) - obj.lnk2res_get(cr, uid, res_id) Example: - In ir_atta...
Module reload should reload module too. for Odoo Server (MOVED TO GITHUB)
When you do a change in python code of a module, upgrading the module don't change the code in memory. You need to restart Open Object server. That's not great when you are doing some updates. Every user must be disconnected. A solution could be to watch which python module are loaded when loading a Open Object mod...

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